Product Information

If an item or size is marked as out of stock online or if you have tried searching the product name or product code and unable to find the item online, this means there is no longer any stock available online. However, there is a possibility the item may be in stock in-store. Once you find an item you love, please contact our friendly store team for assistance. Store information will be displayed on the Store Finder page including the address, contact number and opening hours.


Adairs is committed to product safety and satisfaction. We’re dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality of products. For more information on Product Recall Notices, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

If an item is marked as out of stock online then it is unavailable to add to your cart. However, the item may be still available to purchase in-store. Once you find an item you love, please contact our friendly store team for assistance. Store information will be displayed on the Store Finder page including the address, contact number and opening hours.

Sometimes the item may also be restocked online. If the item is no longer available at a store near you, please Contact Us for further assistance.

Sometimes due to high demand, we may sell out of an item online before we sell out in-store. Once you find an item you love, please contact our friendly store team for assistance. Store information will be displayed on the Store Finder page including the address, contact number and opening hours.

Sometimes the item may also be restocked online. If the item is no longer available at a store near you, please Contact Us for further assistance.

If an item is out of stock online it no longer appears on our website. However, there may still be stock available in-store. Please contact our friendly store team for assistance. Store information will be displayed on the Store Finder page including the address, contact number and opening hours.

With popular products, there is a possibility that the item may also be coming back to stock online. For more information Contact Us or visit us in-store.